Response to Office Actions

Objective: To respond to the objection/rejections raised by the patent examiner against the patentability of the invention for which patent application is filed.

Office action is a set of objections/rejections raised by the patent examiner after examination of the patent application in light of prior art discovered during the examination or statuary regulations of the patent office. Therefore, response to office action is considered as one of the biggest challenges in passing the litmus test of patentability.

Preparing a response to patent office objections/rejections requires high skill levels with a blend of techno-legal expertise. An office action response includes both legal and technical arguments that should coexist harmoniously to rebut the rejections/objections raised in the office action.

The team at Intarc helps clients in drafting office action responses for their patent applications across various jurisdictions including US, EP and India. We employ team members trained by highly qualified patent attorneys and also who are relevant to the domain/technology of the patent application. Further, they have extensive experience in negotiating the scope with examiners over phone calls.

To receive further details / sample response drafts, please contact us.