Patent Commercialization Support

Commercializing your innovations to generate revenues while benefiting the society with the innovation

” Supporting the innovators to market their innovations”

Intarc Offers following value added services to the clients in order to help them commercialize their innovations/Patents

  • The team at Intarc helps Patent owners identify their key inventions and compare them with past innovations in the field. Based on the client requirements, we identify potential targets for both in-licensing and out-licensing of patents. Thereafter, it is checked that if infringers of an existing patent or portfolio. Further, we assess the market and business potential for these innovations and identify partners to realize out-licensing or other business arrangements.

  • Valuation of an intangible asset, such as a Patent, is a complex process. However, patent valuation becomes necessary for sale or licensing purposes, proper patent appraisal requires an overall estimation. Further, patent valuation may also be needed to support litigation matters, such as calculating patent infringement damages.
    With our experience and expertise we have developed unique models to accurately evaluate patent asset.

  • The team at Intarc supports during the transactions of the patents by their research service to provide guidance regarding transaction structuring issues and market heuristics for key business terms

    Further, Intarc can also contact all potential licensees and shortlist interested partners throughout the world.

    Additionally, we also help the clients in smoothening the transaction process by preparing the relevant legal IP brokerage documents that helps to legalize the IP transactions.